Google "When updating use RSS / Atom as well as XML site map"
The other day Google had official remarks, "If you want Google to find content properly, use RSS / Atom feeds in addition to XML sitemaps ," Google said.

Why do I need to use both?
This remark was from the Google feed team, Alkis Evrogimenos . According to him, the best way to get Google crawling is to use both XML sitemaps and RSS / Atom feeds to inform Google about updates.
Why is this?
The XML Sitemap passes all the information of the site to Google, whereas the RSS / Atom feed will provide all the update information of the site. By using both together, we will be able to keep the site content in the search index fresher.
Other ways of sending feeds
Also, when advertising a new URL to Google, Google also recommends using both PubSubHubbub in addition to pinging the site map.
PubSubHubbub is a feed created by extending RSS / Atom, the biggest feature is that you can send update notification in real time, that is, instantly. PubSubHubbub is said to work on the term within a few seconds, whereas the previous feed was a term from several minutes to several tens of minutes until reflection on the notification destination.
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